
The Zhou Enlai Peace Institute will be largely privately funded.

Individuals, public institutions and corporations in China and the United States will be invited to make an annual contribution, with a ten-year commitment to be reviewed and renewed each year.

The presentation of the annual Zhou Enlai Peace Awards will bring all contributors together in a highlighted session each year; they will be invited to attend an exclusive dinner before the award ceremony. The names of all major contributors will be seen in a place of honor at the Beijing Visitor Centre. The website, literature, and all items published by the Institute will feature contributors’ names.

The Central Government of China will be asked to contribute some land and construction costs to the establishment of the Zhou Enlai Visitor Center in Beijing. All the funds needed to staff, operate and pay for activities of the Institute will be borne by private donors in both America and China.


Over a period of time, the Institute will development an endowment, through bequests, of at least $20 million US (130 million RMB).

This endowment will be conservatively managed to yield a consistent dividend each year, estimated at 6%. With an annual budget of $2.4 million US (15.6 million RMB), half of which will come from the endowment and half from annual donations, fees and publishing royalties from books and films, the Institute will have the resources to accomplish its mission and assure continuity of funding for many decades to come.

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