The Hope Cup: Zhou Guozhen

The Hope Cup

In 1990, the Popularization Department of the China Association for Science and Technology, the Chinese Society for Optimization, Coordination and Economic Mathematics, the Higher Education Press, the School Affairs Department of China Youth Daily and the Hua Luogeng Laboratory jointly initiated and organized the Hope Cup National Mathematics Invitational Competition.

The founder was Zhou Guozhen, of Beijing China.

Learn more about the life and work of Zhou Guozhen

After detailed preparation, the first Hope Cup was held in 1990.

In 2003, the first Hope Cup for Primary Schools was successfully held and received support from teachers and students. To date, the Hope Cup for Middle Schools has been held 29 times and the Hope Cup for Primary Schools has been held 16 times.

At the beginning, there was no office space or equipment, no full-time staff, and no start-up capital. In order to independently solve these problems in the long term, Zhou Guozhen, the first person in charge of the Hope Cup, founded the “Mathematical World” magazine in 1991.

“Mathematical World” was one of the organizers of the Hope Cup, and took on the routine work of the Hope Cup, providing stable, long-term, strong support in terms of funds and manpower. In  2000, Beijing Qiuheng Technology Development Center became one of the organizers.

Since its inception, Hope Cup has greatly stimulated the learning enthusiasm of primary and secondary school students in participating regions, injected new vitality into the teaching research of mathematics teachers, and provided a reference coordinate for regional education departments to test the quality of mathematics teaching.

The Hope Cup has sown hope for thousands of students.

Honoring the memory of Zhou Guozhen, who passed away on August 22, 2024. A private memorial service was held in central Beijing on September 8, 2024,attended by a large number of academics, family and friends from home and abroad.

Group photo of the founders, from left: Zhou Guozhen, Xu Weixuan, Mei Xiangming, Wang Shouren, Zhenquan and Lei Ji.

Zhou Guozhen, Mathematics Education Expert, President and Editor-in-Chief of Mathematics and Science World Magazine, Permanent Secretary of the Hope Cup Organising Committee.

Xu Weixuan, disciple of the famous mathematics master Hua Luogeng, applied mathematics expert, former chairman of the China Preferential Integration Method and Economic Mathematics Research Association, director of the organising committee of the Cup of Hope for many years.

Mei Xiangming, former President of Beijing Normal College, mathematician, advisor to the Hope Cup.

Wang Shouren, assistant to the famous mathematics master Hua Luogeng, the first chairman of the Chinese Mathematical Olympics Committee, and the chief advisor to the Hope Cup.

Zu Zhenquan, former president of Higher Education Publishing House, advisor to Hope Cup.

Kei Lei, disciple of the famous mathematics master Hua Luogeng, applied mathematics expert, former chairman of the China Preferential Integration Method and Economic Mathematics Research Association, deputy director of the organising committee of the Cup of Hope for many years.

(Authors: Tang Lulu, Zhang Xin)

创始人合影,从左至右: 周国桢、徐唯瑄、梅向明、王守仁、甄泉、雷骥。











Mathematical World Magazine
Beijing Qiuheng Technology Development Center

Tributes to Zhou Guozhen by Michael North, with the assistance
of OpenAI artificial intelligence agent, pure mathematics

Presentation: Zhou Enlai Peace Institute; Honolulu and Beijing