America and China:
Business Ethics
as the Foundation for Peace
in the 21st Century
part of the “Deep Love” event series, December 13, 2016.
“Deep Love” is a unique exhibition that originates in China, honoring former Premier Zhou Enlai and his wife, Deng Yingchao. It was seen for the first time in the United States in Honolulu on the evening of December 12, 2016, at the State Capitol in Honolulu, Chamber Level Auditorium.
A number of leaders from across China attended, from government, academic and business circles. The program was available to the public with complimentary reserved tickets:
“Deep Love” is hosted and sponsored by Speaker Emeritus Calvin Say of the Hawaii State House of Representatives, who has introduced a Certificate from the Legislature in honor of “Deep Love.”
2. The Business Ethics Seminar
The following day, December 13, a thoughtful seminar was presented, also open to the public at no charge. From 8:30 am. to 12:00 noon, a series of brief talks were given that explored the role of business ethics in creating and sustaining a climate of international peace.
We were honored to be hosted by Chaminade University, at the Clarence T.C. Ching Conference Center, for this event. Chaminade is one of the finest independent colleges in the nation, with a 61-year history of service to students and the community. We thank Professor Elisabet Sahtouris for her sponsorship, and Dean Scott Schroeder, of the School of Business and Communications, for assistance in making arrangements.
3140 Waialae Ave, Honolulu, HI 96816; 808-735-4711
interactive map
3. Outline of Topics
Some speakers may discuss the importance of people-to-people diplomacy, which Zhou Enlai championed, as the first Premier and Foreign Minister of China. Some will discuss the common interests and styles that Americans share with the people of China. They will reflect on the need to concentrate on our common areas and expand them, and also celebrate the areas where we are different.
This seminar will clearly define ethics, and its application in the practice of international business. We will discuss the innate sense of what is right and wrong, what is fair and clear — the basic concepts of ethics — and how that sense may vary, from time to time, from culture to culture. We will identify which ethical principles seem to be universal, across cultural divides.
Each speaker will be asked to personalize his or her own observations, with a specific story: for example, how the ethical sense was learned from parents and early education and socialization, and how it has been applied in daily business dealings. Speakers will share their experiences of ethical dilemmas that they have faced in their own professional lives, and how these dilemmas were resolved.
4. Personal Stories Approach
For example, the president of a real estate company, while attempting to practice full transparency and honesty, advising clients of risks as well as opportunities, clearly seeks to also optimize sales commissions. Some speakers will observe how these choices are approached differently, in modern China. Some will address what China and America have to learn from each other. Some will refer to the high ethical example of the Chinese peacemaker, Zhou Enlai, and his wife Deng Yingchao, whose lives are studied in the “Deep Love” exhibit.
5. Purpose and Conclusions
The purpose of this seminar is to explore the fundamental ideas of ethics, and how a better understanding of ethical business practices can, over time, lead to a firm foundation for peace between East and West based on enlightened mutual interest.
This is very important subject — and we do not, as a whole, discuss it enough in our fast-moving globalized society:
We spend a great deal of time discussing four out of the five W’s — “who, what, when, where — but perhaps not enough about “why.”
This seminar seeks to close that gap.
6. Attendees and Notes
The general public is invited to register online for this complimentary event.
Students and faculty in Business and Philosophy faculties at Chaminade University, University of Hawaii, Hawaii Pacific University and other institutions are invited.
Two associates of Chaminade, Elisabet Sahtouris and Ramsay Taum, are featured speakers.
Some of the talks will be in Chinese, some in English; all will feature simultaneous translation. The seminar will be recorded for later broadcast by ‘Olelo Community Media.
There will be a short mid-morning break, during which water, lemonade and tea will be served.
The event is co-sponsored with Asia-Pacific Group, a Honolulu firm that serves the needs of Asia investors in the United States.
7. Speakers, and Roundtable Discussion Participants:
Calvin Say, Speaker Emeritus, Hawaii House of Representatives
Li Qingping, Vice Secretary, Zhou Enlai Studies at the Central Committee, Beijing
Peter Carlisle, former Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu
Keli’i Akina, Member of the Board of Trustees, Office of Hawaiian Affairs (newly elected)
Chuck Spezzano, author and teacher, “Psychology of Vision,” Director of the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute
Ramsay Taum, kumu of Hawaiian arts, sciences and business, Honolulu
Pang Tingya, Director, Zhou Enlai Residence, Huaian China
Elisabet Sahtouris, evolutionary business philosopher, Chaminade University, Honolulu
Duan Baokun, Chinese-American investor, arts and culture
Roger Epstein, former senior partner at Cades-Schutte Law Firm, Honolulu
David Chang, President and founder of Wealthbridge, Honolulu
John Contini, Wealth Management Advisor, Merrill-Lynch, Honolulu
Adam Greene, executive at Lexington, the LCP Group, real estate developer, New York
Peter Chase, investment executive, Columbia International Finance, Seattle
Catherine Lin, President of Nihao Media, Los Angeles and Honolulu
Myra Brandt, President of List Sotheby’s Real Estate, Honolulu
Tina Mak, Coldwell Banker Real Estate, Vancouver Canada, spokesperson for Asian Real Estate Association of America
Tobin Butcher, principal at Bridge Capital, Seattle Washington
Xiaofang Zhou North, co-founder of the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute
Michael North, co-founder of the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute

Zhou Enlai, Premier of China from 1949 to 1976, personally helped to preserve many classic works of art, culture and philosophy, and many key academic institutions, from the destruction of war and revolution.
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