Event Honoring Zhou Enlai – Open to the Public
Leaders Speak out about Announcement During APEC
Press contact: Krista Sherkey, Streamline6 Communications
808-356-2036; ksherkey@streamline6.com

Zhou Bing De, author of “My Uncle Zhou Enlai”
HONOLULU, HI (November 3, 2011) The Zhou Enlai Peace Institute will host a landmark luncheon during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference (APEC) next week in Honolulu, Hawaii. At noon on November 11 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, the establishment of the Institute will be announced, honoring former Premier Zhou Enlai as a hero of peace from China. Several of Hawaii’s business, political and academic leaders are attending, and explained why in a series of recent interviews.
At the luncheon will be Honolulu Mayor Peter Carlisle, who will speak; Special guest Speaker of the House Calvin Say;former U.S. Congressman Ed Case; and seven members of the Hawaii State Legislature, including State Senators Brickwood Galuteria and Les Ihara, and State Assembly members Karen Leinani Awana, Connie Ching, Gil Riviere and Joseph Souki.
Former Hawai’i Governor John Waihee explained why he is speaking at the luncheon: “I have always admired Zhou Enlai, his statesmanship and his achievement in bringing about reconciliation between the West and China. The Zhou Enlai Peace Institute establishes a bridge between our countries. Many people in Hawaii have their roots in China – so we’ve always known a special relationship. Hawaii truly is the crossroads of the Pacific – where East meets West.

John Waihee, former Governor of Hawaii
- It is a bridge that we can help grow on behalf of the entire United States.”
Roger Epstein, a well-known attorney in Honolulu, says the November 11th luncheon is important for two reasons: “First, peace and cooperation between the United States and China are essential for the world community because the Chinese will increasingly become our neighbors, our partners, our employers, our investors, and our customers. My firm recognizes and embraces this. Second, I believe there is about to be an explosion of business investments and other acquisitions by the Chinese in the United States. So our countries need to be partners in order for all parties to fully benefit.”
Stanley Kuriyama, CEO of Honolulu-based Alexander & Baldwin, said, “The task of creating and sustaining peace is vital for everyone. The original way the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute has developed to promote peace between America and China could make a significant contribution to productive relations with one of our country’s most important trading partners.”

Calvin Say, Speaker of the House, State of Hawaii
Cynthia Ning, U.S. director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Hawaiiat Manoa, also supports the Institute’s mission. “Hawaii is geographically halfway between the mainland United States and China. Due to our historical ties with China and our multicultural society, the Chinese people feel comfortable here. Hawaii has a central role in developing productive cultural and business relationships with China.”
Catherine Lin is the President of Nihao Media, a new media publishing company that focuses exclusively on Chinese visitors to Hawaii. She said, “Our company, like the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute, is part American and part Chinese. This kind of co-operation should continue to build across many fields — political, economic, investment, tourism and more. That is the essence of peace.”
Laura Iaea, president of Got Mortgage in Honolulu, said, “Complete commitment to peace between China and America is critical now. Our company supports this initiative 100% — we will work together to support it.”
Special guest speakers from Beijing will include the niece of Zhou Enlai, Zhou Bing De; the head of the Zhou Enlai Study Centre at the Central Party, Liao Xinwen; the Deputy Consul at the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles, Liu Xianfa, representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Xie Yuan, Director-General of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; and from Huaian, Zhang Jin, the Director of the National Zhou Enlai Memorial. An original short film from award-winning Hawaii producer Edgy Lee will premiere, and a new song adaptation from Grammy award winner Owana Salazar will be introduced.

Peter Carlisle, Mayor of Honolulu
The Zhou Enlai Peace Institute seeks to improve peaceful ties between the United States and China. The November 11 event affords Hawaii’s corporate and government leaders the opportunity to learn about Chinese culture, future priorities and business style through the example of visionary peacemaker Zhou Enlai. Upcoming projects include an annual Peace Awards presentation and Visitor Center in Beijing; publication in English of the book “My Uncle Zhou Enlai”; a touring exhibition; an international network of peace institutes; and a student arts exchange program.
Requests for press accreditation may be addressed to Krista Sherkey; see the head of this release for details. Doors open at 11 am; a special press availability with several key speakers, starts at 11:30 am. in the Coral Ballroom.
Links: For more information, please visit http://www.zhouenlaipeaceinstitute.org
Details about the Institute, its purpose and and projects: http://j.mp/Zhou-Enlai-Institute
Details about the November 11 event, its sponsors and program: http://j.mp/Zhou-Enlai
Videos about the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute: http://vimeo.com/album/1726517.
An interview with one of the founders on NPR Radio: http://j.mp/NPR-Zhou-Enlai
Media library of images and video for press use: http://j.mp/Zhou-Enlai-media
Press contact: Krista Sherkey, Streamline6 Communications
808-356-2036; ksherkey@streamline6.com
Peace Institute Contact: Michael North /808-638-7100
American Peace Organization Honored in Beijing
China’s Foreign Ministry Recognizes Zhou Enlai,
Will Promote International Peace at a Public Event during APEC
For immediate release
HONOLULU, OCTOBER 25 2011: The Zhou Enlai Peace Institute, a non-profit organization based in Honolulu that seeks to improve peaceful ties between the United States and China, was recently honored by the Chinese government at a ceremony at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing.
A formal dinner and exhibition was held in a classic ballroom of the Foreign Ministry, in central Beijing. Over 100 guests, many of them senior government officials, applauded the formation of the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute. The event was co-sponsored by China’s chief public diplomacy group, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.
The Peace Institute was established in Honolulu one year ago by a Hawaii couple — Xiao Fang Zhou (originally from Beijing) and Michael North. They developed a six-part strategy to educate the world about Zhou Enlai, who was Premier of China for 26 years and led the building of positive, peaceful ties between China and the world. Zhou’s most dramatic success was opening China to the United States, through a series of negotiations with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, and many credit his foresight for the political opening and economic advancement of China, more than 40 years ago.
“There is much to learn about Zhou Enlai that is not well understood by the world,” said Xiao Fang Zhou. “Through challenging decades in China, he always sought the middle way — of non-violence, compromise, understanding and respect. He saved many lives, and is still loved all over China as a peacemaker. There are many inspiring stories, and we want to tell them to the world.” Xiao Fang lives on the North Shore of O’ahu, and is the grand-niece of Zhou Enlai.
At the banquet in Beijing on October 14, the Director-General of Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Xie Yuan, spoke in introduction. “We are proud to host the Institute in this important event, honoring the great peacemaker Zhou Enlai. Our citizen diplomacy organization, now with 150 branches and over 3000 alliances around the world, was founded by Zhou Enlai in 1954, so when Xiao Fang came to us with this idea, naturally we responded with an immediate yes. We will do everything possible to encourage and support this important work. Together, there is nothing we cannot achieve.”
The Zhou Enlai Peace Institute is now planning an international announcement event, to coincide with APEC in Honolulu, Friday November 11. A gourmet luncheon will be served, at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki; the first exhibition about Zhou Enlai’s life will be unveiled, and a photo book about his life will be released, in English and Chinese.
The luncheon will be hosted by former Governor John Waihee; the Speaker of the Hawaii House, Calvin Say, will also attend. A group of senior Chinese officials, including the niece of Zhou Enlai, the head of the Zhou Enlai Study Group in the Central Committee, officials from the Foreign Ministry and Commerce Ministry, will be on hand. This event is open to the public, one of the few events during APEC that ordinary people from Hawaii will have an opportunity to meet APEC delegates from China in a relaxed, informal setting.
Full details about the November 11 event, and how people in Hawaii can attend, are available at Detailed Description of Event (English). Detailed Description of Event (Chinese)
Some videos may be view online at Video Description of APEC Event.
A small library of photos, images and logos is authorized for general release to the press, and is available for viewing and download at: Press Media – APEC Event
Press contact: Krista Sherkey, Streamline6 Communications
808-744-9854; ksherkey@streamline6.com
Peace Institute Contact: Michael North /808-638-7100
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Former Governor Waihee
Hawaii-based Zhou Enlai Peace Institute
Will Be Unveiled in Conjunction with
APEC Meetings in November
For Immediate Release
HONOLULU, October 3, 2011 (Monday) — The formal announcement of the establishment of Hawaii-based Zhou Enlai Peace Institute will occur on Monday, November 11, 2011, at a special luncheon program at the Coral Ballroom of the Hilton Hawaiian Village, the co-founders of the nonprofit, international organization said today.
Former Governor John Waihee will serve as “Goodwill Ambassador” at the event. He was invited to represent the original Hawaiian people, and all Hawaii’s diverse communities, for the cause of peace and aloha. He said, “Zhou Enlai is a hero of mine. I did a lot of studying about China, and he was the person that I admired. He was the kind, progressive face of China. I was always interested in his life.”
Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger will deliver a video message, members of the Zhou family and officials of the Chinese central government will be present, and members of APEC delegations and Hawaii’s governmental and business leaders will receive invitations to attend, the Institute’s co-founders said.
The leaders meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum is set for November 12-13, with other meetings to begin as early as November 7, 2011.
“We communicate peace through heroes,” said Michael North, who with Xiao Fang Zhou, the late premier’s grand-niece, established the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute. “The United States has Martin Luther King. South Africa has Nelson Mandela; India has Gandhi. All became a source of inspiration throughout the world.
“In China, Zhou is respected as King, Mandela and Gandhi are in their countries, but he is yet to be fully appreciated internationally. Zhou, often working in the background, was the calming hand as China endured many social, economic and diplomatic challenges to become a modern nation. He was a global peacemaker, who worked tirelessly behind-the-scenes with Kissinger, ended years of hostility between the U.S. and the People’s Republic of China, and laid the foundation for the establishment of diplomatic relations between these two great nations.”
In his book, “On China,” Kissinger wrote: “In some sixty years of public life, I have encountered no more compelling figure than Zhou Enlai. Short, elegant, with an expressive face framing luminous eyes, he dominated by exceptional intelligence and capacity to intuit the intangibles of the psychology of his opposite number.”
North added: “To understand China from a Chinese perspective, we need to understand Zhou Enlai. Xiao Fang and I believe that understanding can be nurtured in Hawaii, which has a special mix of the aloha spirit and diversity of people and cultures that is warmly embraced.”
As a young child growing up in Beijing, Xiao Fang Zhou never met her great-uncle; he was busy running the country. “But I learned much about him through stories my father told me. Our family is still very proud of Zhou Enlai, and the Institute is a way to share his legacy of compassion and peace. These are values that I always try to embody in my life,” she said.
>> The Zhou Enlai Peace Institute’s two-hour special luncheon begins at noon on Friday, November 11, 2011, at the Coral Ballroom in the Hilton Hawaiian Village.
>> Net proceeds will be used to support the First International Zhou Enlai Peace Awards, in Beijing in February 2012.
>> Tickets: individuals, $200; couples, $500. Gold or platinum tables also available. For tickets, visit http://zhouenlai.eventbrite.com or contact: 808-282-9598
>> Attendees will include: former Hawaii Governor John Waihee III, speaking and introducing the program, and acting as Goodwill Ambassador; ZHOU Bing De, niece of the late Premier, who as a child lived in the Zhongnanhai compound, where Zhou Enlai and other top leaders worked and resided; ZHOU Hua Zhang, nephew; LIAO Xin Wen, director of the Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao Study Center in Beijing; ZHANG Jin, director of the Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall in Zhou’s birthplace of Huaian, Jiangsu Province, and Mary Buffett, the former daughter-in-law of billionaire investor Warren Buffett; she serves on the Board of the Institute, as a financial advisor.
(Note to editors: Names in capital letters are surnames. In China, the style is the surname first, followed by the given name. In this news release, the style for Chinese names reflects each individual’s preference. So for Xiao Fang ZHOU, Zhou is the family name, but it goes last, given her preference; for LIAO Xin Wen, the last name is Liao.)
>> Additional information on the Institute can be be found at its website; Detailed Description of Event (English). Detailed Description of Event (Chinese)
A detailed event description may be downloaded from PDF Description of Event and some videos may be view online at Video Description of APEC Event.
A small library of photos, images and logos is authorized for general release to the press, and is available for viewing and download at: Press Media – APEC Event
Press contact: Krista Sherkey, Streamline6 Communications
808-356-2036; ksherkey@streamline6.com
Peace Institute Contact: Michael North /808-638-7100
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