The Zhou Enlai Peace Institute is grateful for the tremendous support we have received from groups, businesses and individuals in America, China and other nations. We will be worthy of the mission entrusted to us, and to the high character of Zhou Enlai.
Here are the major supporters of the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute, who participated in the announcement event, November 11, 2011:
Platinum Sponsors
America-China Bridge
America-China Energy
Alexander & Baldwin Foundation
Alexander Garcia
Hilton Hawaiian Village
Nihao Media
Spiritual Ocean
CCB Finance
Gold Sponsors
The Dubin Law Company
PacifiCap Investments
Jade Couples
Naomi Giambrone, Pacific Edge
Merritt Sakata
Rita Wong
James Langworthy
East-West Global Tours and Island Princess
Jo Ann Gaines and Dr. James Gaines
Theme Tables
Antiques & Treasures
Honolulu Advertiser
Robbins Peace Table
Rohr Pacific Properties, Kahala Associates, Bays Lung Rose Holma
Media Sponsors
Pacific Edge
Streamline6 Communications
Sing Tao Daily
Hawaii Chinese News
World Journal
Honolulu Weekly
Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors
Jade Couples

Theme Tables
Special Thanks
(in alphabetical order)
The Au ‘Ohana; Kawika and his extraordinary daughters, for their flawless presentation of Hawaiian culture
Jeffrey Au, always ready to for a new challenge
Roger Epstein, constant friend and advisor
Jerry Jampolsky and Diane Cirincione, always present with a sage word
Paul Klink and Echo Gu, with strength of heart for Zhou Enlai
Wen Chun Lin, key to the assistance provided by the Chinese Chamber
Edgy Lee, who interprets and amplifies the vision in images and sound
Clyde Musgrave, friend and ally, and tireless communicator for peace
Cynthia Ning, enthusiastic key to vast resources at University of Hawaii
‘Olelo Community Television and Director Evern Williamson, for their expert and enthusiastic video coverage
Marcos Ordonez, our Hilton man, always willing to stretch a little more
Elizabeth Reveley, willing to solve any problem for peace
Nancy and Brooks Robertson Grace Children’s Foundation in Beijing;
Owana Salazar, a rare combination of talent, beauty and creativity
Chuck and Lency Spezzano, friends, guides, mentors
Governor John Waihee, with humor, grace and intelligence
Mavis Wang, generous with time, energy and beauty
Xie Yuan in Beijing, working consistently for international friendship and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China
Zhou Bing De, a flawless guide to the thinking of Zhou Enlai
All the people, allies and sponsors in this Program, whose generosity has made the impossible a joy to seek
The endless depths of the Tao, invisible, humble, seeking no thanks
Volunteers and Scholarship Winners
With assistance from the Confucius School at the University of Hawaii, 21 outstanding volunteers worked on the Zhou Enlai Luncheon, doing everything from research to translation, exhibit setup to guest check-in. This extraordinary effort was co-ordinated by the Director of the Confucius School, Cynthia Ning, and by the Institute’s volunteer co-ordinator, Elizabeth Reveley.
Sincere thanks, from the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute to all of those who participated, with great heart and eagerness to learn:
Xiaofeng Kang
Xiaosha Pang
Kate Zhou
Lin Liu
GuanPei Ming
Boheng Shao
Benliu He
Yuan Wang
Hao Zhang
Bijun Huang
Xiaoming Hu
Kaimiao Liu
Xiufen Li
Chun Han Wang
Ying Zhang
Xiaodong Qiao
Jason Tse
Xin Yu
Carol Wong
Bradley Saint George
Terri Foss
Leo Klink
In co-operation with the Honolulu Weekly, the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute offered five scholarship awards to attend the Zhou Enlai event as full delegates. The five were chosen from a large field of qualified people; they answered two simple questions:
What have you done in your life so far to further peace in your life, our community and our world?
What will do you in the future, to use what is learned from the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute, to continue the peacemaking work in your life?
Here are the scholarship winners:
Chuan Lin
Nian Liu
Keli’i Akina
Joshua Cooper
Jeannie Lum