Zhou Enlai Research System Announced


Zhou Enlai Research System
In Cooperation with Top American university:

Phase One Complete


BEIJING AND HONOLULU, SEPTEMBER 20, 2024   The Zhou Enlai Peace Institute in Honolulu, has completed the first phase of a comprehensive online database of information about Premier Zhou Enlai, working closely with the University of Hawaii.

Kiana Kelsey was appointed as a summer intern to the Peace Institute, on the recommendation of Maya Soetoro, a Professor in Peace Studies at the University of Hawaii. Ms. Kelsey worked under the supervision of Michael North, co-founder of the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute.

Ms. Kelsey’s assignment was to download, organize and translate 60 articles about the former Premier, including images, formatting and links for both Chinese and English. Many of the articles first appeared in an online forum presented by Nankai University, faculty of Zhou Enlai Studies, Professor Xu Xing managing. They were collected over the past year by the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute. 

These first five articles are now online; and can be read and downloaded here in full:



The rest of the 60 articles will be added soon in the next few weeks, with Phase Two to follow. The entire collection will be searchable by keyword and text, and integrated into an Expert System with an Artificial Intelligence interface. This will allow students are researchers all over the world to ask questions about Zhou Enlai, in Chinese or English, and receive clear answers.

This ongoing research project is managed by Zhou Xiaofang, and by Michael North, co-founders of the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute, Beijing and Honolulu respectively.

Sincere thanks to Maya Soetoro for initiating this process; she has a long history of support for the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute, since its founding on November 11, 2011. We look forward to more enagagement with Ms, Kelsey, as her academic career proceeds toward her eventual posting as an international diplomat.

Translation through DeepL, an advanced AI translation system, http://www.deepl.com, with assistance from Ms. Kelsey.

Kiana Kelsey, Researcher

Selected Images

with Ye Jianying

with student at Mejiawu


Physics Department, Nankai University, 1959

Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao; Guilin, 1960



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English and Chinese

Contact: xiaofangzhou@zhouenlaipeaceinstitute.org