The United Nations Library collects
the complete set of “My Uncle Zhou Enlai”
Telling the Chinese Story
to the People of the World
Complete Article:
The United Nations Headquarters in Geneva is an active knowledge center for researchers on international society, multilateralism and international cooperation. Its libraries and archives open their doors not only to United Nations staff and members of the diplomatic corps, but also to researchers, students and practitioners from all walks of life.

Zhou Rong, grand-niece of author Zhou Erliu, presents an important collection of books to the United Nations Library in Geneva.
In 1954, Premier Zhou Enlai attended a major international conference in Geneva, Switzerland. This was one of the first appearances on the world stage by diplomats from the People’s Republic of China, founded just five years before.
The Premier hosted many events and a concert, holding meetings both public and private (including with Charlie Chaplin). He was seeking resolution to criticial situations in Korea and Indochina.
Zhou Enlai introduced the Five Principles of Peace to the UN, expanding the language of international diplomacy.