Understanding China

A live television series, created by the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute
Produced by ThinkTech Hawaii, with the support of Asia-Pacific Group

With the assistance of China Pacific Economic Co-operation Council

International Eco-Tech, China National Committee for Pacific Economic Co-operation, Foreign Economic Co-operation Committee

Images Courtesy of ThinkTech Hawaii, Inc.

“Understanding China” is improving the perception and knowledge of China for American audiences. It is also useful to Chinese audiences, who wish to understand America better, and to see China from a fresh perspective.

Program List:



The program highlights Chinese leaders in the fields of investment, technology, trade, culture, education, diplomacy and the arts. By using an informal interview format, augmented with carefully researched stills, graphics and video, Understanding China is both entertaining and informative for general audiences in the United States and China.

Co-hosted by Michael North, Zhou Enlai Peace Institute
at the studios of ThinkTech Hawaii, downtown Honolulu
and by Zhou Xiao Fang, Zhou Enlai Peace Institute
at the offices at Centennial Plaza, Changan Ave., Beijing

Skilled translators provide Mandarin and English translation as needed, enabling audiences in both the U.S. and China to fully participate.

Details, Schedule, Format
The program is produced twice a month, and runs 28:30 in duration in high-definition television format (HDTV). It is aired live through Skype, and through community access channels in the U.S. such as Oceanic Cable. Shows are recorded on servers immediately for worldwide viewing on YouTube, and in China through a dedicated video server.
The program is produced live in studios in Beijing and Honolulu; three episodes have been produced to date. They emphasize the One Belt, One Road policy, and understanding it better in the context of China’s mission in the world economy.

Understanding China is produced with the support of the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute, and sponsored by Asia-Pacific Group, in association with China Pacific Economic Co-operation Council and Beijing Moze Limited.

U.S. Technical production, studio facilities and communications are provided by ThinkTech Hawaii. Beijing technical production takes place at the offices of Asia-Pacific Group, at Centennial Plaza, One Changan Ave., Beijing.

Hosts, Interviewers
The U.S. host of Understanding China is Michael North, co-founder of the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute and Asia-Pacific Group. Mr. North is an accomplished American business manager, with special capabilities in cross-cultural communications, capital finance and high-speed networking.

The China host of Understanding China is Xiaofang Zhou North, also co-founder of the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute and Asia-Pacific Group. Xiaofang was born in Beijing, and has lived part of her life in America, with special skills in Chinese culture and business, marketing, writing and travel management. She is currently based in Beijing.

The mission of this program is to give Chinese experts a platform to speak for themselves about the best of China to American audiences. They speak about the challenges facing the largest nation in the world today and how they are being met. In a positive and receptive atmosphere, with a warm personal tone, guests are asked simple questions and encouraged to explore their answers in a personal way, that is easy for audiences of all ages to understand.

Viewers in America are encouraged to set aside pre-conceived ideas, and to see China through Chinese eyes. Viewers in China benefit as well, because they can see and hear the views of recognized leaders of business, government, media and culture, and receive information in a fresh format that improves their English language skills.

The Zhou Enlai Peace Institute is widely known in both America and China for its many events and publications that explain the global importance of China’s great peacemaker, former Premier Zhou Enlai. The organization is a responsible, active bridge of people’s diplomacy between America and China.